Sunscreen and stuff

I was reading this article about sunscreen today. I think the last sentence is very important! It says:
" According to the EWG, federal regulations for sunscreen products were proposed in 1978; 33 years later, there are still none on the books."
I would certainly think that for something that millions of people slather on their bodies and those of their children daily there would be some sort of regulation! Some sort of "proof" that it actually works and isn't just a waste of time and money.
It was interesting to read their "best beach and sports sunscreens" and also their "Hall of Shame" as to which are the worst sun screens to purchase and use. 
When I saw the spray on sunscreen for the first time a couple of years ago, I thought wow why didn't I think of that! Now it seems that people are talking it down mostly because people don't use enough of it and get a false sense of security. Also it is being said that breathing the fumes from it are bad for people, especially children to inhale. 
As for me, I am keeping myself occupied until Tuesday when I have my surgery. Today I am making some new recipes and doing some baking. Tomorrow I work a full shift and am going to get my hair cut. I hear from the nurse that I won't be able to get my hair or face wet for a couple of days after surgery, so I figured now is the time to get a good haircut! Also I love, love, love having my hair shampooed at the salon. A little pampering never hurt anyone, right? :)

p.s. I had NO IDEA why some of this post shows up with a white background. It's annoying to me and I could not figure out how to fix that! Sorry for the weirdness of it, if you know what I did wrong be sure and leave me a comment.

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